Scotland 2024

Hello, here is a digital journal about our Scotland trip. We had fun making it and hope you'll enjoy it as well. nath
I could only wait a year before going back to Edinburgh, this time however I was not alone. anneso

Day 1 - 16/03/2024

I forgot mine, but that was a good thing in the end.

Upon our arrival in Edinburgh around noon, Anne-Sophie immediatly yielded to temptation and bought herself a beautiful scarf in the colors of the Highland regiment: The Black Watch

Les couleurs de la Black Watch.

First stop for a Poke Bowl at Bowls after being turned away at MuM's, which was full. Then, a quick visit to the various shops on Victoria Street, notably the Harry Potter Museum.

After visiting the Warner Bros Studios in London two years ago, Nath was only slightly impressed.
Harry Potter's Diagon Alley vibe.
I would have preferred doing the -18 session at night, but we didn't have the time.

Thinking of visiting the catacombs, we ended up doing the Edinburgh Dungeon, which turned out to be a tour consisting of 8 live horror shows with actors, some tension, and practical effects depicting certain events from the city's past. Not quite what was planned, but a very good experience!
Snack break at Mòr Bakehouse for chocolate donuts and savory vegetarian pastries. Then, check-in at the hostel and meet up with the rest of the group at Civerinos Hunter Square pizzeria.

We went back to Mòr three times in two days, that's how good it was!
Luxury dormitory for four persons with a shower in the room.

Day 2 - 17/03/2024

Typical English breakfast: baked beans in sauce, vegetarian sausages, pancakes, hard-boiled eggs, jam, and Nutella, in that order.

I want the same at home.

Lovely morning hike with the ascent of Arthur's Seat and its 250 meters of elevation. Quick stop at the ruins of St. Anthony's Chapel along the way.

Next stop: the summit, in the mist.

Really really cool spot

No time to linger, onto the attack of Edinburgh's Castle!

Inside, visit the Royal Scots Museum, the dungeons, the World War memorials, and the Crown Jewels. Also a quick snack break at the Redcoat café within the castle.

Mons Meg is one of the largest canons in the world !
Inside the Memorial, there are two books for each Scottish unit containing the names of the deceased from each World War. It's very impressive.

No time to relax, as it's already time to go for our tour of the Scotch Whisky Experience. Explanation of the production of Scottish Whisky (water, barley, and yeast), its aging process, and its history, followed by a small tasting of a few bottles.

(Not these ones)

I'm not a huge fan of straight whisky, but the tour was really interesting, and by tasting the different whiskies, I still managed to find one that I liked more, the one from Islay (which turned out to be the one Anne-Sophie liked the least).

(These ones)

That was the only food requirement I had for Edinburgh, I had to try that Fish & Chips. NO REGRETS.

To end the day, we had Fish & Chips at #Fish, with several vegetarian options, including an excellent Tofish (Tofu).

The vegan options in the UK are a bit more present than in Paris, it was a pleasure to have many quality choices.

Day 3 - 18/03/2024

Travel day, heading to Inverness for the second part of the trip.

A quick stop in the middle of the day at Pitlochry to grab a takeout meal at Morton's Coffee Lounge and Restaurant. Then off to Faskally Forest to enjoy our sandwiches in the nature.

A cluster of chalets lost in the middle of nowhere, with sheeps as our direct neighbors.

We finally arrived at our chalet for the next 4 days at Glenview chalet park (there's a jacuzzi!).

First homemade meal featuring ratatouille!

Day 4 - 19/03/2024

A quiet day after all the driving, followed by a beautiful hike in the afternoon at Plodda Falls , 2.4km through the forest and along the river.

In the midst of the trees, a few meters from the trail, it felt like we were ready to film a scene from The Lord of the Rings.
Vegetation and waterfalls, I don't need much more to be happy.

Back to the chalet for a lasagna evening and a failed attempt at preparing tiramisu.


Day 5 - 20/03/2024

Second day in the Highlands, we start with a visit to the iconic Urquhart Castle overlooking the Loch Ness.

Another splendid weather day. There was a speaker present to tell the tales of the castle, which added to the charm of the place.
Geared to go face the Loch Ness monster. The coward didn't show itself while we were there!

In the afternoon, we made a quick stop in Inverness at Leakey's Bookshop followed by an evening stroll in the Merkinch Nature Reserve located on the city's coast.

The path continues between a football field and a marsh, and the others (not us :( ) saw two deers escape upon hearing the dog. Right in the middle of the city!

Homemade pizza evening, and we got our revenge on the failed tiramisus from yesterday! We also took the time to prepare sandwiches preparation for tomorrow: chickpea mayo, vegetarian meat, and coleslaw.

Day 6 - 21/03/2024

Big expedition to the Isle of Skye! 3 hours of driving to reach the Fairy Pools . The journey was very enjoyable with magnificent waterfalls and rivers throughout the ride

We spent an extra 2 hours hiking up to the Cairn at the Fairy Pools. We had to jump over a few streams and scramble through the mud to get there, but it only made the sandwiches taste better despite the rain.

To continue upstream, we had to jump over a few narrower streams or cross by stepping on stones.
More waterfalls !!

Then, we retraced our steps, stopping to enjoy the view of Eilean Donan Castle , which unfortunately was already closed.

This weekend, the Clan Macrae hosted an annual dinner.

We enjoy the evening after this long day with the tiramisus prepared the day before and some burritos, before jumping into the jacuzzi.

Day 7 - 22/03/2024

Last day before heading back, we have a hearty brunch with burritos and scrambled eggs, then we set off for another hike to the Falls of Orrin . We explore an old building straight out of The Witcher before enjoying the view of the waterfalls under the first true Scottish downpour of the week.

A little frog that I spotted hidden on the side of the road on the way back!

A final culinary effort with some crepes, then we start packing up.

Day 8 - 23/03/2024

It's time to head back! We stop once again at Faskally Forest to stretch our legs, then straight to Edinburgh Airport with a few hours to spare. We say goodbye here to the rest of the group who continues on to Penrith by car and then home. We take the opportunity to end the week with a good vegetarian Burger King meal.

A second request before heading back! And still no regrets, the veggie BK was better than I expected. Not available in Paris, which is a shame.